
Dr. Jose Etcheverry: IREA Director

Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Award Winning Co-Chair, Sustainable Energy Initiative, Global Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy, author of many publications

For a bio, please click here


Fred H. Schwartz: IREA Executive Director, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

Award Winning Writer, Developer, Internationally Known Expert on Renewable Energy

For a bio, please click here


Oscar Luis Tellez Garrett: Illustrator & Graphic Designer

Award-winning artist with over a decade of experience in graphic communication and a background in Systems Engineering.

For a bio, please click here


Shahab Shokrzadeh: Associate Director Research, Innovation, and Training

For a bio, please click here




Dan Kammen: University of California, Berkeley

Award Winning Professor of Energy, Founding Director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy

For a bio, please click here

View Dan Kammen's IREA PowerPoint

View Dan Kammen's "The Future of Renewable Energy" PowerPoint



Todd Foley

Senior Vice-President, Policy and Government Relations, American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)

For a bio, please click here

View Todd Foley's IREA PowerPoint 


Steven Strong

Award Winning Solar Architect, Designer, and Engineer, President, Solar Design Associates, Harvard, Mass.

For a bio, please click here


Gudni A. Jóhannesson

Professor Gudni A. Jóhannesson PhD is director general at Orkustofnun, the National Energy Authority of Iceland.

For a bio, please click here



Paul Gipe

Award Winning Internationally known author on Wind Power, Renewable Energy Policy, Community Power

For a bio, please click here




Ed Smeloff

Managing Director Regulatory Affairs, Vote Solar, San Francisco; previously Assistant General Manager for Electricity, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Solar Developer, Sun Power

For a bio, please click here

View Ed Smeloff's IREA PowerPoint


Michael Ross

For a bio, please click here




Scott Harbinson: IREA Associate Director Digital Communications

For a bio, please click here




Meredith Adler

Executive Director of Student Energy

For a bio, please click here



Matthew Harris

Business Development Manager- SEI LatAM

For a bio, please click here



Karolina Wrzecionkowska: IREA Associate Director International Affairs

 Legal Counsel in the European capital of Brussels; Advisor to the Emerging Leaders for Solar Energy's  Board of Advisors

For a bio, please click here



Peter Jermolow

Educational Program Coordinator




Carolina Parra

IREA Creative Director


For a bio, please click here